Become a bestselling children’s book author by this time next year.

This one of a kind publishing program not only publishes & launches your children’s picture book, but also provides exclusive access to the most supportive author community & coaching.

How do you know this program is for you?

You’re a hard worker who is always putting others, especially children, before yourself. You’re passionate about helping the next generation grow in their confidence and creativity. But you struggle to pinpoint the right time and place to start. You often find yourself saying, “It’s not the right time yet…”

Putting others first for so long has made you lose track of your personal goals, but you’re finally ready to pursue your dreams and use the gift that has been within you all along.

Maybe you...

Have always had a desire to write a children’s book

Have a message that children need to hear

Want to make a greater impact on the children around you

Have heard a friend or family member tell you to publish, but you haven’t seriously pursued it yet

Want to leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren

Know that, if you don’t publish your children’s book, you will regret not doing it

Already know publishing would be your dream come true!

If you said, “that’s me!” to any of those statements, then you should know that the Publishing Mastermind was MADE for YOU.


The Publishing Mastermind’s 3-step editing process will provide all the feedback you need to perfect your manuscript and craft a story children will beg to read again and again. 

Professional editing included.


Find the illustrator of your dreams and leave it to us to handle prepping your book for a printer. In other words, dodge the major headache many authors face in their journeys.

Book design included.


Send your book out into the world and watch it climb the charts with our proven marketing plan. You’ll have everything you need to attract your fans and reap every penny of sales.

Launch plan and support included.

This Publishing Mastermind will take you from a rough draft to a finished product.


Your Book in Hardcover!

Publishing Mastermind now includes IngramSpark setup for Hardcover printing.

If you want to see your children’s book in hardcover (and would rather not drop thousands of dollars to do it), IngramSpark is just what you need. Instead of buying your hardcovers in bulk, you can have hardcover copies of your book printed "on-demand" in small quantities.

IngramSpark is an independent printing company that also gives you access to a worldwide distribution system. This means big-name retailers will have an easy option to carry your book.

Distribution Partners Include:

... and many other Retailers, Libraries and Independent Bookstores. 

Distribution is not guaranteed by ML Publishing.

All trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners.

Ready to lock in your author success?
Click the button below to register!

One of my favourite parts of the Publishing Mastermind is the long-lasting friendships and community it creates. I can confidently say that each one of the authors that have come through the Publishing Mastermind is now a good friend of mine. And I’m sure they would say the same about their fellow Masterminders, too.


Working with Miriam, is honestly one of the highlights of my life. She really cares about you, and your project. You will be changed for the better; both as a writer, and a human being. You couldn't choose a better Coach/Mentor - Publisher.

Lori Parks - Author, The Power of One

Cindy Crosby Saying Hello Headshot

After sitting on my manuscript for 5 years, working with Miriam has been so rewarding. At times when I have felt stuck, she has gently encouraged me to trust myself and move forward. As a first-time author, I have no regrets about working with her!

Cindy Crosby - Author, Saying Hello

Harlene Grewal Headshot

If you dream of writing a children's book, but it seems just out of reach, I encourage you to try the Publishing Mastermind program. Miriam can help you accomplish your goal!

Harlene Grewal - Co-author of Goodnight Leena...Sleep Tight

Publishing Mastermind Success Stories

And of course, the part that every author loves best about the Publishing Mastermind is the moment they get to hold their children’s books in their hands. Can you imagine what that moment would feel like for you?

Here’s what it looked like for these authors:


“You accomplished what you set out to do…”


“I feel so much more confident about moving forward…”


“Holding my book in my hands…”

Bend Your Knees Cover
Gertie Saves the Day Book Cover
The Mouse Who Lost Her Squeak Book Cover
Bright Purple Monster book cover
Alex and His Amazing Abilities Book Cover
Paula-Jean and Diddy-Bite-You by Geraldine McCall Book Cover

Sound like something you want to be a part of?
I would love to have you on board. All you have to do is click this button. Your incredible author journey will soon follow…


Here's what you'll get...

Personalized Coaching

So you can bring your vision to life with:

Expert Advice

Monthly 30-minute Private Coaching Calls with Your personal Author Coach.

Mastermind Group

12x 90-120 minute exclusive, focused Mastermind Calls with Miriam.

Quality Assurance

Preprint Review Call to make sure all your Ts are crossed and Is are dotted before going to print.

Behind The Manuscript:
Your Personalized Editing Experience

Attend a live, exclusive sneak peek of what our editors look for in a manuscript and how to get a jump start on your first draft.

Ultimately, you will be empowered to...


Maximize the impact of your message!


All the rights to your book stay with you.


100% of the proceeds from book sales are yours.

We Do it For You!

So you can focus on the FUN parts of publishing a book…


We publish your book, so you can focus on the fun things, like choosing the perfect illustrator.

Professional Editing

Receive 3 detailed edits in-house: a manuscript analysis, structural edit, and copy edit.

Interior Book Design

Our book designer will combine your manuscript and illustrations so you have a flawless eBook and Print option.

Book Cover Design

Your front cover needs to be perfect, and our book designer will ensure that it is. Release the headaches that comes with ISBN #s or logos. We take care of it all.

Amazon Set Up

Leave the Amazon work to us. Our staff ensures you are in the best possible position to make sales & reach bestseller status.

Social Media Graphics

We provide beautiful 3D graphics of your book so they can be professionally featured online.


Our book launch plan has ensured every single one of our authors reached Amazon Bestselling status. Includes an interview shared on Miriam’s Social Media.


Your book in Hardcover for short run print-on-demand, with the possibility of wider distribution.


Children's Book Masterclass [INSTANT ACCESS]

Oh, I almost forgot to mention the best part. When you register for the Publishing Mastermind, you will automatically get access to my latest Children’s Book Masterclass, where you’ll learn everything you need to know to publish your children’s book.

I’ll admit, this is probably the biggest and best bonus I’ve ever given out. Why? Because the knowledge you gain from CBM is invaluable and you get lifetime access.

Want to know exactly what you’ll learn? Here’s an overview of all 10 CBM Modules:

Module 1: Getting Clear on The Big Picture

  • Ensuring your story is "child-centered"
  • Working with an illustrator
  • Picture Book Essentials (page + word count)
  • BONUS: Knowing your WHY with Miriam — Guarantee that you'll cross the finish line
  • Extra Resource: Picture Book Template
  • Module 2: Deep Dive into Characters Children LOVE

  • Create characters that your readers can identify with
  • Discover their voice (and yours, as an author)
  • Strategies for approaching difficult topics + themes
  • How characters can either make or break a book
  • Module 3: Make your book a "Page-Turner"

  • Hook your reader with the first page
  • Create tension that is age-appropriate
  • Finish strong with an ending your audience loves
  • Module 4: Less is More

  • Use narration effectively by learning how to "Show + Tell"
  • Highlight the points that will grab + keep your reader's attention
  • Make sure your dialogue rings true
  • Move the story with action
  • Module 5: Perfecting Your Story

  • How to edit your story after the first draft is done
  • What you need to ask yourself before submitting to an editor
  • Apply what you've learned to your book as a whole
  • Module 6: Everything Illustrator

  • Decide what type of illustration is best for your book
  • Find the perfect illustrator
  • Pricing, budgeting, and timeline
  • Negotiate a contract 
  • Partner with your illustrator for a striking book
  • Extra Resource: "Fill-in-the-Blank" Illustrator Agreement/Contract
  • Module 7: Working with a Designer & Going to Print

    • What a Book Designer does and why you need one
    • Extra Resource: "Fill-in-the-Blank" Book Designer Agreement/Contract
    • Book covers that sell
    • Getting your book ready with an ISBN#, copyright, and more
    • Every book's four essential elements: front cover, book cover, spine, and inside pages
    • Extra Resource: Logistics Checklist
    • Expected costs associated with printing a book
    • Tips on how to save money, where you need to spend, and where you can afford to save
    • Choosing softcover, hardcover, and/or e-book format
    • What is Print-on-Demand and is it a good option for you? 

    Module 8: Everything Marketing

  • Why marketing is just as important as creating a quality book
  • Thinking about your audience and creating your avatar
  • Using social media to build your author platform
  • Extra Resource: Book Launch Marketing Plan
  • Module 9: Website Essentials

  • How to get a website, even if you're not a tech-y person
  • What a website needs to do for you, as an author
  • Encourage sales by building trust and relationships with website visitors
  • Module 10: Launching Your Book

  • Set up a Launch Party and get someone else to pay for it
  • Strategies for earning #1 bestselling status
  • How to set up your book on Amazon
  • Build a launch campaign
  • Land awards for your award-worthy book
  • Extra Resource: Example Promotional Materials Included
  • Bonuses

    Valued at $2,000

    Bonus 1
    Behind The Manuscript: Your Personalized Editing Experience

    This bonus group call gives you the opportunity to get an exclusive sneak peek at what your professional Editor will look for in your manuscript. If you want to get a head start on editing, this call is the place to be.

    VALUE: $500 USD

    Bonus 2
    Book Release Promo Package

    With a quality marketing plan from the MLP Team, this bonus will set you up for a successful book launch. The Book Release Promo Package includes social media marketing prior to and during your launch, an interview with Miriam, and a feature on the ML Publishing website & blog. So far, this Promo Package has contributed to every single one of our Masterminders reaching bestselling status. We’re confident that it will do the same for you, too.

    VALUE: $1,000 USD

    Bonus 3
    "It’s Time to Unleash Your Author Greatness"
    with Romeo Marquez Jr.

    International Speaker & Success Coach

    Have you ever felt like your inner author is sitting somewhere deep inside you, waiting to be set free? According to Romeo, it is, and he wants to show you how to unleash it. He has worked with high profile mentors and stars like Jack Canfield, Jim Carey, and The Black Eyed Peas. Are you ready to pursue your greatness with zeal?

    VALUE: $500 USD

    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
    — H. Jackson Brown Jr.

    Are you ready to explore the gift within you and become a published author within one year’s time? If you said YES, then all you need to do is click the button below:


    How much time will I need to commit to this program?

    To get the most out of this program, I recommend attending each LIVE Mastermind Group Call and each Monthly Coaching Call with your personal Author Coach, which adds up to approximately 2 hours every month

    The only additional time you will need to commit to this program is the time you will spend developing your children’s book (e.g., writing it, editing it, picking an illustrator, etc.)

        Many authors who come through the program worry about the time commitment, but what I have noticed is that even the busiest authors publish their books within the year. We've even had a full time university student publish during her graduating year. 

        At the end of the day, the amount of time you spend on your book is up to you, but you CAN do it!

    I’m not tech-savvy. Can I still participate?

    Absolutely! The MLP Team will provide tutorials on how to navigate the program and is available via phone, text, or email to answer any questions. We’re here to help!

    I really want to do this but I’m worried about the cost. Will I get my money’s worth in this program?

    The Publishing Mastermind is an investment, but it will save you money in the long run.

    What I mean is, the first time you self-publish a book it is very common to make mistakes that end up costing you.

    For example, with my first book I spent thousands of extra dollars on an illustrator – and I didn't get the copyrights to the illustrations! Now as an experienced author, I would never make that deal. That is just one example of where I spent a lot more money than I needed to.

    Knowing what you need to spend money on, and where you can afford to save is invaluable.

    How do I know if my book is good enough to be published?

         Lots of authors ask me this question, and I often ask them this in return: Why don’t you feel worthy as a writer? 

        When you tell yourself things like "my book isn't good enough" you limit yourself.

         To help aspiring authors discover their confidence and rest assured that their story is the best version it can be, we include three insightful rounds of editing in Publishing Mastermind. Your story will be thoroughly edited by Sharon Jennings, one of Canada's best children's authors and editors.

        You have what it takes to make it as an author. All you have to do is say YES.

    I’m writing a middle-grade novel or YA book. Is this the right program for me?

    Currently, I am only accepting authors looking to publish their own children’s picture book.

    I have a message to share but I struggle with writing it out on paper. Does this program come with any services to help with writing?

    The short answer is YES. Our team of experts are here to support you & help you perfect your story.

    Our Senior Editor (Sharon Jennings) is an experienced & successful children’s book author and editor who provides editorial support to all the authors who come through the Publishing Mastermind, ensuring that your manuscript is perfectly polished before it goes to print. 

    Our Junior Editor (Lauren Loranger) holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English & Creative Writing, making her the best candidate to work alongside you as you draft your manuscript. She provides additional editorial support and writing advice so that you can publish your book with confidence.

    What if my story isn’t finished yet?

    That’s alright. Even if your first draft is still in the works, we would love to work with you. 

    Am I guaranteed bestselling status for my book?

    Though bestselling status is never guaranteed, we are confident in the marketing strategies we provide to our authors. So far, every author who has published through the Publishing Mastermind has achieved bestseller status.

    Is the cost of Illustrations & Printing included?

    The Publishing Mastermind is designed to give you complete creative control of your book. This means you get to pick an illustrator that’s right for you. Since illustrators offer a wide range in pricing, this cost is not included in the program.

    For printing, we set you up with print-on-demand (POD) at no extra cost, which will make your book available to print and purchase. But if you decide to outsource to a printing company, that cost is not included in the program.

    Publishing my first children’s book changed my life. Even more importantly, it changed children’s lives, too.

    I know first-hand what it’s like to have a message to share with the world, know exactly how you want to share it, but also feel too overwhelmed to do it alone. It’s not easy to make decisions and stay motivated when there is nobody to help give you advice.

    By the time my book was published, I kept wondering how many other talented authors were out there, struggling just like I did. So, I decided to become the exact guide I was looking for all those years ago.

    Now, I have no words to explain the joy that comes from seeing these authors live their dreams, hold their published children’s books in their hands, and inspire children everywhere. I want to help you do the same.

    I want to help you turn your story idea into a book children will read for years to come.

    I want to help you publish your children’s book with zero stress included.

    I want to help you launch your book, reach bestseller status, and see your message make a difference in children’s lives.

    If you’ve ever felt the way I did when I first started — if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, lost, or maybe even discouraged — then I want you to know that you CAN do this. You CAN publish an inspirational children’s book and watch it be shared and loved by those around you.

    But first, you have to say YES.

    Let’s work together to get your message into the hands of children who need it.

     Save $500! 

    Register before December 2nd at midnight ET to get $500 OFF.

    Ready to become a children's book author?

    Space is limited! Program begins January 2025.

    SAVE $500 by December 2nd.

    $12,997 ONLY $12,497
