Spotlight: Jazzy-cat’s Cattitude 

This week I am happy to announce that Miriam Laundry Publishing is launching Becky Gramley’s fun debut picture book, Jazzy-cat’s Cattitude. I sat down with Becky to interview her about the process and celebrate her first publication.

Miriam Laundry: Congratulations on the publication of your first book, Becky! What a wonderful feeling. Can you tell us a little bit about your book?

Becky Gramley: Jazzy-cat’s Cattitude is a picture book for children aged 4-8 years old. It’s about how a positive attitude can make a difference in a tough situation. I actually woke up in the middle of the night with the idea to write about cats.

ML: Yes, sometimes our best ideas come to us in the middle of the night. Other than your late night inspiration, what motivated you to become an author?

BG: Being a foster parent. I was looking for a way to connect with the kids.

ML: That is amazing! Why was it important for you to share the message in your book?

BG: I want kids to know they have a choice. You can choose your attitude. Maybe not what happens to you, but your attitude about it.

ML: That is such an important message and this book addresses it in such a fun way. Although with any project comes hurdles to conquer along the way. Were there any hurdles you faced as you published your book?

BG: My biggest challenge was focusing on one message. I have so many messages that I want to share.

Jazzy-cat's Cattitude by Becky Gramley Book Cover

ML: I felt the same way when I first started. That’s why I went on to publish a series. Maybe there’s a series in your future too… As you navigated that challenge, what did you learn?

BG: That with the right team, anything is possible.

ML: That’s so true. In addition to your close friends and family, you had a team supporting you throughout this journey: the Publishing Mastermind. Why did you decide to join the program?

BG: I wanted to write and publish a book but didn’t know how. I enjoyed the mastermind calls with the other authors. When it would be easy to give up, the program kept me going. It built my confidence and helped me complete a goal.

ML: Definitely. Like you said, anything is possible with the right support system in your corner. Jazzy-cat’s Cattitude is such a fun book with a message both children and adults will appreciate. What do you hope they take away from the story?

BG: I want children to know that it’s okay to feel a certain way about things. We can all be grumpy at times. Try to find the good in each situation.

ML: Amazing. Before we sign off, do you have any advice for the aspiring authors out there who are wondering if they have what it takes to publish?

BG: Sometimes you just need to clear your mind or meditate.

ML: Yes, a clear mind goes a long way when writing. Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your world and thank you for bringing such an incredible book into the world. Congratulations, Becky.

Watch the Full Interview:

To grab your copy of Jazzy-cat’s Cattitude visit, or your local Amazon Marketplace. And to learn more about Becky Gramley, visit her on Facebook @authorBeckyGramley.

Becky Gramley

Becky Gramley is an entrepreneur and author from central Florida. After becoming a foster parent in 2017, she was inspired to write for children and share her empowering messages with the children both in and outside of her home. Becky’s mission is to write stories that will empower young children to be the best versions of themselves.

When she isn’t writing, Becky enjoys exploring nature, baking cupcakes and spending time with her family.

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