Open for Submissions

Picture Book
Editing Package

 A trio of edits that will take your manuscript from amateur to expert level with a professional analysis, a detailed structural edit, and a line-by-line copy edit.

Introducing Your Book's New Best Friend!

Your readers are waiting.
It’s up to you to give them the story they need.

Editing is like doing the dishes. You can pre-rinse as much as you want, but there always comes a point when it’s time for the dishwasher to take over.

At the end of the day…

Every author needs a professional editor.

But if you’re anything like my now-published authors were when they first started, you probably feel stuck or don’t know how to find one.

If you can relate, then the Picture Book Editing Package is the compact resource for you.

You CAN inspire your future readers. You CAN be proud of your writing. You CAN become a top-quality author.

Are you ready for that?

What's Included

Manuscript Analysis
  • Big-picture edits that will build a strong foundation to set your story up for success.


Structural Edit
  • Scene-by-scene content recommendations to bring cohesion and clarity to your manuscript.


Copy Edit
  • Microscopic corrections to make sure your story reads its best and is error-free.


Your Book Deserves Quality Editing.

How It Works...

Your First Submission >>

This is where your editing journey begins.

Manuscript must be submitted within 4 weeks after purchasing.
Manuscript Analysis <<

You’ll receive your first round of feedback and revise your manuscript accordingly.

Your Second Submission >>

After you’ve revised your manuscript and are ready for more feedback, you’ll send your story in for the second time.

Structural Edit <<

This is when you’ll receive your second set of edits. All you have to do is revise.

Final Submission >>

Once you’ve considered the feedback from your Content Edit, you’ll be ready for your final manuscript submission.

Copy Edit <<

Get down to the nitty-gritty with your final edits: word choice, syntax, punctuation, spelling, and more.

The Finish Line

After applying your final round of feedback, you’re done! Now, you have a professionally polished manuscript in your hands.

Ensure your children’s book is a quality story you can share with confidence.

Submissions are currently open.

Stories of Success with Our Editing Team


“Miriam … provides the most accomplished, talented editor, Sharon Jennings. I have learned invaluable lessons from her which I will gratefully carry forward in future projects. I now understand the components necessary to create a quality children's book.”

Lori Parks

Author of The Power of One


“As a first-time writer, I found Sharon’s teaching was spot on for what I needed. Clear, concise, and loaded with information!”

Susan Kinnane

CBM Alumni


“Through listening to Sharon's writing advice and her personal experience as a writer and editor, I gained so much knowledge. It opened my eyes to how I can try to make my story better! Thank you!”

Annika Ringaby Woehr

CBM Alumni

Say goodbye to writer’s doubt. It’s time to feel accomplished in your writing.

The Picture Book Editing Package will ramp up your manuscript so you can publish a book you’re proud of.

Whether you have a degree in creative writing or this is your first solo project, professional editing will take your manuscript to the next level.

Hone your craft and grow your confidence, starting today.

Now Open for Submissions

Picture Book Editing Package

$ 1500 USD

  • Your Manuscript Reviewed by a Professional Editor
  • Big Picture Manuscript Evaluation/Analysis
  • Detailed Structural Edit
  • Careful Copy Edit
  • Simple, Fast and Effective
  • Confidently Move Forward with Your Story!


Can I use this editing package for a middle grade novel?

No. This Editing Package is for picture books only. Please be aware that our editor will not accept picture book manuscripts over 1,500 words.

How long will it take for me to receive the feedback after I submit my story?

Normally revisions are returned quickly, but for each submission, the editor may take up to 3 weeks after receiving your manuscript to provide feedback.

How long do I have to use this editing package?

You have three months from the time you submit your manuscript to receive all three edits and make your revisions.

What about confidentiality?

We respect the privacy of our clients and will not disclose any information you share except as outlined for the purpose of providing the Editing Package. We will not share your manuscript or idea with anyone outside ML Publishing and will not claim it as our own, reproduce it, or publish it in any way.

What if I don’t agree with the editor’s feedback?

As the author, YOU have the final say on which edits to apply. However, please know that no matter your decision, the review provided by the editor is final and there will be no additional edits, accommodations, or refunds provided.
Remember, we edit not to change your story, but to offer an outside perspective. 

About Miriam Laundry Publishing

ML Publishing is a hybrid publishing company that focuses on providing positive publishing experiences to its authors through quality teaching, consistent support, and personal community.

At ML Publishing, you are not another number in the system — you are an author with a powerful story and a successful future.
