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Mary Young

Mary Young dreamt of writing children’s books when her own two children were small, and now that she has two grandsons in her life, she knew it was time to act on this lifelong dream. Through her books, Mary wants to inspire and empower all children to be true to themselves, believe in themselves even in the face of challenging real-life situations, and to be respectful and kind to others, as well as to themselves. She has spent over 15 years in the classroom as a Special Education teacher across all grade levels, and continues to enjoy a successful real estate career of over 35 years in the Washington, DC/MD area where she lives with her husband. Outside of real estate, Mary is passionate about her two wonderful adult children along with her two beautiful grandsons, vegan cooking, gardening, astrology, being at the beach, having fun with her family, and all things books—reading them and now writing them, too!

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