Spotlight: Paula-Jean and Diddy-Bite-You 

“What is your new dog’s name?” Geraldine asked her cousin.

“Diddy-Bite-You,” she said.

Geraldine was shocked. Never before had she heard such a unique, yet catchy, name for a pet. Writing since the 1990s, Geraldine knew that if she ever wrote a book about a dog, she would give it the same name. Now, two decades since the beginning of her writing journey, Geraldine McCall proudly holds her first published children's book in her hands.

And its title is none other than Paula-Jean and Diddy-Bite-You.
Paula-Jean and Diddy-Bite-You by Geraldine McCall Book Cover

Geraldine originally wrote this manuscript within a collection of short stories from her childhood. However, as Geraldine’s life went on, the manuscript that would later become Paula-Jean and Diddy-Bite-You sat in a drawer collecting dust. Until one day, Geraldine heard of my Publishing Mastermind.

This discovery reignited the passion for writing that Geraldine had within her since the 90s, leading her to register for the Publishing Mastermind and publish her first children’s book.

“I have always enjoyed reading and wanted to write something I believe children would like to read,” Geraldine says.

Watch the Full Interview:

When asked what she learned during the Publishing Mastermind, Geraldine mentions how beneficial it was to have the help of a professional to guide her through. 

The biggest challenge Geraldine faced in her publishing process was editing. Specifically, she struggled with rewriting her manuscript to ensure that Paula-Jean is the hero of the story instead of her parents. However, Geraldine did not have to endure these challenges alone. She was able to brainstorm and receive support from me, the MLP Team, and her fellow Masterminders as she navigated this change.

“I totally enjoyed the helpfulness of the instructors and the fun of being a part of a friendly and helpful group of people… The biggest value to me was realizing that it could be done. It was easy to put my fear aside because the staff were knowledgeable and helpful.”

Now a published children’s book author, Geraldine has an important piece of wisdom to share with all who are in the same shoes she started in:

“Don’t be afraid to write. Just start writing.

Never be afraid to ask for help.” 

Geraldine hopes that Paula-Jean and Diddy-Bite-You teaches young readers that owning a pet is a learning experience. She also hopes to inspire discussions about responsibility, problem-solving, and fun memories. 

Because of her decision to chase her dreams and say “YES” to the Publishing Mastermind, Geraldine was able to revive her dusty manuscript and share her message with the world. Because of Geraldine’s courage and determination, children will smile, giggle, and be positively impacted by Paula-Jean and her new puppy, Diddy-Bite-You.

You can connect with Geraldine and hear more about Paula-Jean and Diddy-Bite-You’s adventures on Facebook and Instagram or at Purchase your copy of Paula-Jean and Diddy-Bite-You on or now.

Geraldine McCall

Geraldine McCall was born and raised in the city of Pompano Beach, Florida. Now retired and residing in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, she spends her time with her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She is active in working in her church and with Church Women United (CWU). She enjoys gardening, reading, traveling and the Florida sunshine.

Geraldine is the author of five books. This is her sixth and first Children’s book.

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