How to Discover Your Why 

You have a dream to write a children’s book. Check! You’ve thought of a creative story. Double check! But have you ever paused to consider why you want to do this? Hmmm…perhaps no. Understanding your “why” makes a significant impact on your progress. In this blog, I’m sharing three steps you can take to discover your why so you can make purposeful progress in writing your children’s book. 

“What is your ‘why’?”

Your why is your anchor. The thing you come back to time and time again. It’s what will guide you, keep you inspired, help you stay focused, and push you to stay motivated—even when the writing gets tough. 

Knowing why you want to be a children’s book author is just as important as the story you will write. It’s the compelling reason we do what we do. It deeply motivates our growth, discovery, work, and outcomes. Most importantly, it’s what keeps us going when fear, obstacles, and procrastination try to interfere. 

You why will make all the difference because….

  • It brings you clarity, even in the face of challenges. 
  • It leads to long-term fulfillment, not just short-term happiness. 
  • It helps you stay committed, even if the work gets tough. 
  • It guides your decision-making, helping you stay true to what really matters. 

It’s so important you are crystal clear on your why. 

For me, understanding my why is what got me out of bed every morning when I was writing my book. I got started writing after I lost my 17-year-old niece to suicide, driven by a desire to make a difference in children’s lives through stories that matter. This is what kept me going—even when I had valid reasons to stop. 

Over time, my original why has grown to include empowering aspiring authors—providing the guidance, mentorship, and community support that I wish I’d had early on—into becoming bestsellers through practical teaching, valuable mentorship, and a transformative community. Though my why has evolved, at its core, it’s still about making a difference in the lives of children. 

Three Steps to Discover Your Why

Before you begin this exercise, know there is no wrong answer here—no single why is more important than the other. The point is to find your true reason for wanting to write—the one that fuels you to keep going. 

Step 1: Prepare Your Space

You must be fully present for this exercise. Start by getting settled in a comfortable environment—whether it’s in your office chair, snuggled up on the couch, or in a calming outdoor space. Grab your favorite journal and pen or open a fresh document on your computer. Take a moment to clear your mind of any other distractions.  

Step 2: Visualize Your Dream

When we picture our dreams as if they are already real, we can grow our motivation and sharpen our focus on what matters most. For this step, imagine being a published author. You don’t need to get wrapped up in all the fine details—just connect with the feeling. To help you get started visualizing, reflect on these thoughts:

  • Who have you helped with your words?
  • How does it feel to finally hold your book? 
  • Think of the children who will turn its pages, feeling understood because of your words. 
  • Imagine parents picking up your book and knowing it's exactly what their child needs. 
  • How might your book create a legacy?

Spend as much time as you need picturing your dream as reality. Then, let the image you create fuel your passion and dedication to making it happen. 

Step 3: Ask Yourself Why—Over and Over Again 

Now, it’s time to dig deep. This isn’t about going with the first answer that comes to mind, but rather staying curious and willing to go beyond your initial thoughts. The key is to keep asking yourself “why.” Begin by using the following outline: 

  1. Why do you want to be an author? Don’t think too hard, just write down the first thing that comes to mind. 
  2. Why is it important to you to reach this goal? Take your answer from above and start to dig deep. 
  3. Why is that reason important? Keep asking yourself “why” with each answer you find until you reach a deeper understanding of the true reason you want to be a published author. 

Let’s break down how this might work with an example: 

  • Why do I want to be an author? 
    •  I want to write a book that helps children feel seen and understood.
  • Why do I want to help children feel seen and understood?
    • Because I want to offer them the comfort and reassurance I wish I’d had growing up.
  • Why is it important to provide comfort and reassurance?
    • Because I believe that feeling recognized and validated can change children’s lives for the better.
  • Why do I want to change lives through my writing?
    • Because I know that books have the power to transform, comfort, and inspire generations for years to come.

Continue to ask “why” until you come to a place that resonates deeply within you. That’s when you know you’ve discovered your true motivation for writing. Once you have it, connect with it, and let it drive you forward. 

Anchor Yourself in Your Why

Your why isn’t just an abstract idea; it’s your motivation, a foundation that grounds you. When you’re stuck or facing challenges, return to it. This is what will guide you through self-doubt and setbacks. This desire to make a difference, connect with others, or share something meaningful is what will carry you forward. 

Where Do I Go From Here? 

With a deeper understanding of your newly found why, let that burning desire turn into action. Feel inspired to take the next step? We offer two programs to guide you on your journey: 

Children’s Book Masterclass 

This is the roadmap you need to become a published children’s book author. It is a 10-week, self-paced course that will teach you my five-step proven method for drafting, writing, illustrating, publishing, and launching a bestselling picture book. You will get the complete process from beginning to end. 

Publishing Mastermind  

If you are looking for a supportive author community, mentorship, and coaching, then I encourage you to check out Publishing Mastermind. When you join this program, you will have access to group calls and 1:1 coaching. The best part? You will leave holding a published hard copy of your own book. 

See how our Publishing Mastermind authors Annabelle and Pamela used their “why” to bring their stories to life: 

  • Publishing Mastermind author Annabelle Yim drew inspiration for her book, Thurman the Thief, from her older son, who often misplaced his toys. This theme became the heart of her story, which encourages children to value organization while gently reminding parents to practice patience as their children develop these skills.

  • Pamela K. Ellis, author of Augie’s Big Leap, was inspired by a creative writing assignment in high school, where she first developed the character. Over the years, she brought Augie to life through stories told to her children and her grandchildren—who later told her she should write books about him.

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