Spotlight: Athena the Brave 

It is my absolute pleasure to announce that author Nina M. Kelly has published her second children’s book, Athena the Brave. To learn more about the book and Nina’s writing process, read our interview below.

MIRIAM LAUNDRY: Nina! Congratulations on publishing your second children’s book. Who is this story for and where did you get the idea for it?

NINA KELLY: Athena the Brave is for children four to nine years old. The beginning of this book began one year ago. It takes time to write as well as illustrate.

The idea for the book came from my grand dog, Athena, who has served as an emotional support dog and queen of Barkus Krewe. That is the only dog parade at Mardi Gras that raises money for rescue dogs. 

The most important reason for the book is to address the power of our words. How words can be both healing and hurting. 

The inspiration for Athena the Brave came because of my appreciation of the power of words, especially in this day and time. Young children need good role models and oftentimes the best teaching comes through the creation of a story.

ML: And what inspired you to publish another children’s book?

NK: My first publication was called Grace Has A Silent Voice, an adult nonfiction book. This is my third book in total.

I wanted to become an author writing stories that help to heal. My reason to become a children’s book author was to share stories that would help guide young children from an educational viewpoint and from a learning standpoint through the power of story. 

ML: And why was it important to you to share the message in Athena the Brave?

NK: I witness what is happening through social media and even at playgrounds. Words and actions have affected young people. I feel any way we can share stories or be a role model for the youth is part of our gift to humanity.

ML: What was your biggest challenge or lesson learned when writing this book?

NK: My largest challenge was telling a story in less than 1000 words. My largest lesson was how important every team member is to the completion of bringing a book to fruition.

ML: You found your team in Publishing Mastermind. Why did you decide to join the program?

NK: I have been a student of Jack Canfield for many years. Jack Canfield introduced us through a webinar, and I always wanted to write a children’s book and knew I needed a master instructor.  

My favourite aspect of the Publishing Mastermind was that you were so organized that any question one might have, you had the answer in your program. If you did not know an answer to a question that was addressed, you readily obtained the answer and provided an immediate follow up. You have a remarkable team. Your enthusiasm to have the mastermind attendees complete their goal was so admirable. You’d set timelines, follow up, and provide any assistance necessary to stay focused.

ML: Thank you, Nina.

NK: The greatest value to being part of the Publishing Mastermind was having a mentor to keep one focused on the completion of the goal. I absolutely would encourage anyone who desires to finish a quality manuscript and have a great book to be part of Publishing Mastermind. Your team made it a seamless process and a fun project. 

ML: That is very kind, Nina. I’m glad Publishing Mastermind helped you out. Back to your book, what do you hope children and parents take away from the story?

NK: It is my hope that children will become more aware of their words and reflect how sometimes words have hurt them and, in the future, they will use kindness when speaking.

I also hope from the activity pages they learn dogs have been a great service to others.

ML: Lastly, if you could give any advice to an aspiring author, what would you say?

NK: My words of wisdom would be documenting your ideas. Believe in your story. Have the courage to share with the public.

ML: Thank you, Nina. And congratulations again on your second children’s book.

Watch the Full Interview:

Pick up your eBook or hardcover copy of Athena the Brave on,, or your local Amazon Marketplace.

You can learn more about Nina and her publications on Facebook (Nina M Kelly: Author), Instagram (@ninamkelly), or her website

Nina M. Kelly

Nina M. Kelly is an Amazon best seller as one of the co-authors with Jack Canfield in Success Mastery. She is a mythologist with an emphasis in depth psychology, storytelling, humanitarian, and cultural and arts activist. She also is an Archetypal Pattern Analyst and Dream Pattern Analyst.

Nina believes that the art form of storytelling and story sharing originate from the heart of everyone searching for expression – thus healing both listener and


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