Spotlight: Big Words for Little Hearts 

This week I have the pleasure of announcing the release of Susan (Sue) Fuller’s first children’s book, Big Words for Little Hearts. Young readers (preschoolers-2nd graders) will enjoy learning how to be mindful in their everyday lives as they read this picture book. Find my interview with Sue Fuller below to learn more about how these big words can make a big difference in children’s lives:

MIRIAM LAUNDRY: Hi Sue! Congratulations on the publication of your first children’s book. Can you tell us a bit about how and when you started writing Big Words for Little Hearts?

SUE FULLER: Well the idea came a year or two into my new career working with kids at the local elementary school. I knew I wanted to write my own book, after using so many other books both regular stories (and put yoga poses into the story line) and specific ones written with yoga poses.

ML: It must have been hard to find specific stories with the exact poses/exercises you were looking for. Did that play a part in you deciding to write your own book?

SF: I wanted to become an author so I could create a valuable tool, for the toolbox of life that families and teachers could add into their daily teaching, using some breath work, yoga stretches and some daily repeatable mantras, in a fun and memorable way. This book accomplishes all of that and more! My family is my inspiration. The love that my late husband had for me and my dreams and our daughter who continues to inspire me daily! 

ML: You’re absolutely right! This book is such a great resource for parents and teachers. Why was it important for you to share this particular message?

SF: To be able to connect with the kids and their families with the work we do in school, but also my hope is to connect with other teachers in the lower grades. I wanted to give them a starting point and have in their hands a guide to do this work in their morning meetings or before rest time. You can use one word a day or one word repeated all week.

Big Words for Little Hearts by Sue Fuller Book Cover

ML: As you published, what was the most impactful thing you learned?

SF: Anything is possible … if you have a vision the universe will provide and line up the right people at the exact right time.

ML: Having a team to support you is invaluable as an author. To find the support you needed, you joined Publishing Mastermind. Why did you decide to join the program?

SF: I knew that I was going to need assistance. I knew that there was a lot to the whole process. I did not want to get so far and then give up due to lack of knowledge. I am so happy that I said YES to myself and my dreams … if I had not, I would have always wondered about the what if’s. Taking the leap into this amazing Mastermind was the key to unlock it all!

ML: I’m so glad Publishing Mastermind could provide that for you. What was your favourite part?

SF: Connecting with so MANY beautiful first time authors from all ages and all walks of life!

ML: Speaking of connecting, do you have a memorable moment to share from either the publishing journey or when someone read your book?

SF: Being able to share bits and pieces of this journey with my classroom of 3, 4, and 5 year olds … one of the poses the illustrator Jo had done 2 versions of the pose … I showed the kids and asked which one was easier for them to do … one was hard and one was an easier version … watching them try and decide was priceless! The Camel pose in the book on page 23 was the result!

ML: That’s incredible. It’s wonderful that your students played such a big role in helping this book come to life. What do you hope parents and children take away from Big Words for Little Hearts?

SF: That together we can ALL make a difference in children’s lives. It takes a village, a community to make the world a better place … let’s continue to do our part.

ML: Thank you for sharing that message, Sue. Lastly, if you could share one piece of advice with an aspiring author, what would it be?

SF: Do NOT give up on your dreams!! Even if they have to be put aside for a bit of time due to unforeseen life events, keep dreaming … take notes, keep a journal, keep looking for ideas and examples … and when the time is right, the universe will show you the way.

ML: Thank you, Sue, and congratulations again.

Watch the Full Interview:

Pick up your eBook or paperback copy of Big Words for Little Hearts on, or your local Amazon Marketplace.

To learn more about the incredible work she does, you can connect with Sue on Facebook (Susan M. Fuller Author), Instagram (@mssuefuller) and her website,

Susan M. Fuller

Susan M. Fuller grew up in Western Massachusetts. After a handful of years working as a paraprofessional for preschoolers, Susan started the Mindful Movement program which uses breathing exercises and yoga poses to help children discover the value of mindfulness from a young age.

Ms. Sue — as her students know her — is inspired to empower children, parents, caregivers and educators to adopt practical life skills that will contribute to their social and emotional development. 

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