Spotlight: Everybody Loves Lola 

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Judy Umstead

Judy Umstead has always loved animals, all kinds of animals. Judy was the neighborhood kid who always brought home strays and who cared for any injured animals she found-or who found her! Even as a young child she knew that one day she would dedicate her life to rescuing and caring for animals. And now after 20 years as a Connecticut Animal Control Officer, she has fulfilled that dream; even named Connecticut’s Animal Control Officer of the year in 2015 for her dedication to animals.

Judy is happily ensconced in an antique farmhouse in rural CT. with her four dogs, including a Lab named Lola, a blind Great Dane named Piper, a three legged Golden Retriever named Healey, and a scruffy mixed breed named Sherlock. Her yard is often filled with the laughter and play of her 12 adoring   grandchildren who call her Mimi. They have inspired her to write this book about a dog named Lola.

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