Janet Francis is now the children’s author of two picture books: Lucky’s Hidden Talent and Lucky Discovers Her Second Talent. To celebrate the release of Lucky’s second adventure, we sat down to chat about the process of writing another book for young readers.
MIRIAM LAUNDRY: Hi, Janet! Congratulations on your second children’s book. Can you tell us who it’s for and how you started writing it?
JANET FRANCIS: Lucky Discovers Her Second Talent is for children aged seven to ten years old. The idea for writing this book came right after completing the first book. I started writing this book at the end of the summer 2022.
ML: You jumped right into book two! What inspired you to continue writing?
JF: I am inspired by my core beliefs that there must be another way to present curriculum other than chalk and talk.
ML: Why was it important for you to share this message?
JF: I believe that kids need to be happy in schools. From media reports I got the impression that kids were not happy with school. I thought that by making them aware that they had a hidden talent which they can use to express their brilliance, that would bring them joy.
ML: How was publishing your second book different from the first time?
JF: I feel that I was more involved this time around.
ML: And why did you decide to join Publishing Mastermind Pro?
JF: I joined Publishing Mastermind Pro because you’re the one who introduced me to picture books after you had written several and after you had read what I had been writing for a few months.
ML: What was your favourite part of the program?
JF: Working with a team with whom I felt comfortable with and who supported me all the way when I tended to be lax and when I had several questions which they never hesitated to answer.

ML: What do you hope parents and children take away from Lucky Discovers Her Second Talent?
JF: I want parents and kids to know that the use of pencil and paper is not the only way to share their kids’ brilliance. I want them to know that their children have talents which lie dormant within them waiting to be unearthed.
ML: And lastly, if you could share one piece of advice with an aspiring author, what would you tell them?
JF: I would advise the future author to record the message in a book for future generations.
ML: Thank you, Janet, and congratulations again on your second children’s book!
Watch the Full Interview:
You can learn more about Janet and Lucky’s stories on Amazon. Pick up your eBook or Paperback copy of Lucky Discovers Her Second Talent on Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, or your local Amazon Marketplace.
Janet Francis
Janet Francis is a native of the Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago. Her thirty-five year teaching career promoted commitment, hard work and belief in oneself. Janet and her family currently reside in the suburb of Toronto, Canada.
Her desired legacy is to encourage kids to develop their self confidence and raise their self esteem as they discover, liberate and demonstrate their hidden talent.