Laura Martini Davis is a children’s author and illustrator celebrating the release of her debut picture book, Pixie Dust and a Prayer. I had the pleasure of chatting with Laura to celebrate the launch and discuss her experience with writing and publishing.
MIRIAM LAUNDRY: Hi Laura! Congratulations on publishing your first picture book! Can you tell us who it’s for and how you started writing it?
LAURA MARTINI DAVIS: Pixie Dust and a Prayer is for children four to eight years old. Pixie Dust came about when I was walking with my daughter Adrianna. I always tell my kids, “Do the right thing” and while we were chatting I said, “go out and spread your pixie dust and make this world a better place”. At that moment an image came into my head about Pixie. Pixie’s story is a combination of me, my daughter, and my son and different events that happened in our lives.
ML: Was there a particular event that inspired this story?
LD: An incident happened with my son when he was younger and wanted to play on a youth basketball team. My son has Down syndrome and some people didn’t want him on the team because winning was important to them. Unfortunately they didn’t think he was capable and they were very wrong. My son is very athletic and capable but they didn’t see that. The coach had to call me and tell me he was not wanted on the team and it broke my heart. This was in elementary school. I couldn’t believe people chose winning over kindness.
ML: I’m so sorry your son had to go through that. It’s heartbreaking. Hopefully this book will inspire readers to treat everyone with respect and kindness. Of course, there are many ways to spread the message of kindness. What inspired you to become an author in particular?
LD: When I was in college and studying early childhood education I had a class in children’s literature. It was one of my favourite classes. I enjoyed going to libraries and researching the many picture books for children that help teach in a creative way. As a mom and a teacher, I loved reading to my children and my students. I thought how powerful a book can be to someone. I wanted to create something so beautiful and inspirational for a child so that he/she would want to read it and share it.
ML: What was the biggest challenge you faced while writing this book?
LD: Trying to get my message out but not being “preachy” and having the child learn the lesson. I was very wordy and I wanted too much information in the book, I needed to narrow it down.
ML: Many writers have that same struggle. The word count can be very daunting! I’m glad your work with Sharon has produced the story we celebrate today. It’s been such a pleasure working with you on this project, and I always like to ask, what made you join Publishing Mastermind?
LD: I took the course Children’s Book Masterclass. I learned a great deal from that class and then I knew it was time for me to step up and finally put this dream in my heart into action. I signed up for Publishing Mastermind and so glad I did.
ML: What was your favourite part of the Mastermind?
LD: It is hard to pick one favourite part. I believe it would be all the support and kindness during the process. You and your team are professionals that are efficient and keep you on track. My mentor, Lori, encouraged and supported me and the people in the group who were honest and shared great experiences and advice.
ML: If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring author, what would it be?
LD: My advice to anyone wanting to write and publish a book would be to try. It was placed in your heart and mind for a reason. I strongly recommend looking into Miriam Laundry Publishing.
ML: That is very sweet. Thank you, Laura. Lastly, what do you hope parents and children take away from Pixie Dust and a Prayer?
LD: We all have pixie dust to spread.
ML: Well said. Thank you, Laura, and congratulations again on publishing a great picture book!
Watch the Full Interview:
You can connect with Laura and learn more about her book on Instagram (@lauramartinidavis).
Pick up your eBook, Paperback or Hardcover copy of Pixie Dust and a Prayer on,, or your local Amazon Marketplace.
Laura Martini Davis
Laura Martini Davis is passionate about pursuing her dreams. Her life-long dream of writing, and illustrating, children’s picture books, has come true with Pixie Dust and a Prayer.
Laura is a retired elementary school teacher and K-12 art teacher. She earned a Bachelor of Science from Pace University, and received her Master’s of Education from Fordham University. Laura has also taken numerous art classes at Bennington College in Vermont, and Suny Purchase in New York.
Laura lives in Ridgefield, Connecticut with her husband, Kevin, their two children, Adrianna and Kevin Jr., and their dog, Sawyer.
Laura enjoys gardening, painting, design and decorating. She looks forward to bringing more delightful stories about Pixie into the world.