Spotlight: Toby the Turtle 

Shelia almost let her future as a published children’s book author pass her by… Almost.

For many years, Shelia wanted to write her own children’s book, and even though she found great joy in journaling, Shelia had never written children’s fiction before.

Toby the Turtle Book Cover

Her many years of reading as a child gave her the idea to publish, but after her son became an illustrator and her first grandchild was born, Shelia knew she had to make this dream a reality.

“I didn't start one word of this book until after I made the decision to stop wishing to someday be a children’s book author, and fully commit to setting the goal and taking action to get it accomplished."

At first, when Shelia heard about the Publishing Mastermind, she was filled with self-doubt.

“I wasn’t as confident and pretty much decided I wasn’t going to move forward.”

But, as the enrollment deadline got closer and closer, Shelia’s desire to publish only grew stronger.

“However, over the next couple of days, the desire and longing to write the book would not leave.  A little idea began to emerge.” 

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Suddenly, Shelia found herself in the Publishing Mastermind, on route to becoming a published children’s book author.

Along the way, she got the chance to develop her story, which is inspired by her children, grandchildren, and their pets. She also got the opportunity to share her message of finding the good in times of fear and uncertainty with those around her.

The publishing process taught her to trust the process, listen to her inner voice, and break out of her comfort zone.

“I grew not only as a writer but as an individual.”

Looking back, Shelia is so grateful that she chose to invest in her future as a published author and commit to her dreams. And, she offers this advice to any aspiring authors who might be in the same place she found herself in just one year ago:

“We all have a voice and stories to tell.  Let yours be heard. Don’t let your story go untold because someone somewhere is waiting to hear it.”

Shelia hopes that Toby the Turtle will encourage children, educators, and parents to embrace change and look for the good both around and within them.

To connect with Shelia, visit her on Instagram (@sheliarocchio) or Facebook (@sheliarocchioauthor). Be sure to pick up your copy of Toby the Turtle now on,, or your local Amazon Marketplace.

Shelia Rocchio

Shelia lives in Colorado with her husband. She has three grown sons, two daughters-in-law and two grandchildren. Her Professional background spans over twenty years in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. Shelia is a Certified Life Coach for both adults and children. She loves to inspire others to see both the good around them, and within them.

Shelia is available for school visits and presentations. You can learn more about her by connecting on social media.

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