Spotlight: Too Young 

When Sally Wong first started writing Too Young 15 years ago, she never thought it would become her first published book. Little did she know, she would gain so much more along the way.

For years, Sally has enjoyed telling stories to her children and students. But it wasn’t until she started writing her own stories that Sally discovered the incredible power of words.

Too Young Book Cover

As she wrote, Sally found herself inspired by her own upbringing. She recalled how, from a young age, she had always wanted to make a difference in the world, but felt that she couldn’t because she was too young. She was surprised to find that many of the children in her life experienced the same thing.

That’s when Sally realized it was her responsibility to share her story. She needed to show the children in her life that what they do matters.

One of the biggest challenges Sally faced during the publication process was finding the motivation to keep writing and editing. Edit after edit, Sally was challenged to push forward. However, this challenge only fuelled her growth:

“The biggest lesson I learned is that everyone has a story to tell, even me.  Everyone has a voice they want to be heard. Writing is a powerful voice that can speak when sometimes your own voice doesn’t feel it can. I have seen wonderful people from so many different backgrounds who want to tell a story, and have amazing stories to share.”

Sally explains that the writing process taught her so much more than writing. It also taught her how to move past her comfort zone and find success:

“I had such a positive experience from it.”

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She also found great value in the Publishing Mastermind, where she was able to share with and learn from other authors in their own publishing journeys. She notes that, before the Publishing Mastermind, she had no idea where to start. Now, she’s a published children’s book author.

When asked if she has any advice for today’s aspiring authors, she answered:

“Write down your stories, and keep writing. Don’t be afraid to put into words, the thoughts that have been swirling in your head. Write them on a computer, a piece of paper, a journal, but keep writing.”

Sally hopes that Too Young will show children that they CAN do anything they set their mind to. She also hopes that her book will remind parents that they can always encourage their children to make a difference and chase their dreams.

To connect with Sally and learn more about how today’s parents are encouraging their children to make a difference, follow Sally (@sallywongstudios) on Instagram and Facebook. Be sure to pick up your copy of Too Young on, or your local Amazon Marketplace.

Sally Wong

Sally Wong grew up in the bustling city of Toronto. She is an elementary school teacher and has been working with children for many years. Too Young Is her first published book.  She wrote Too Young 15 years ago, after she was inspired by the kids around her who made a positive difference in her life. She lives with her husband, 3 kids, and Bernadoodle.

Sally loves the great Canadian landscape, and is inspired by the music around her. She would like to do more humanitarian work, and also wants to be a hero, just like Niren and Mikki.

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