The Children’s Book Market: 2025 Trends and Updates 

Many authors desire for their books to inspire children—which is a wonderful goal. However, there’s something else that I often see aspiring authors overlook:

Books are a business. 

The reality is, the sooner you treat your book as a business, the more likely it is to be a success and fulfill your goal of inspiring children. By viewing your story through a marketing lens, you can enhance its chance of finding its way into the hands of more children—which is really what we all want! 

In this blog, we will cover four market trend predictions for 2025 and give you tips on how to adapt to them without sacrificing your vision. (NOTE: If your current story or idea does not align with the current trends, don’t worry. You can still leverage market insights to connect with more readers, all while staying authentic to your story.) Let’s dive in!

Top Amazon Books of 2024

Take a look at the top five children’s books so far on Amazon

  1. The Tenth Mistake of Hank Hooperman by Gennifer Choldenko [Ages 10-13] 
  2. Buffalo Fluffalo (A Buffalo Fluffalo Story) by Bess Klaub [Ages 2-6]
  3. Orris and Timble: The Beginning by Kate DiCamillo [Ages 4-8]
  4. Do Mommies Ever Sleep? By Kim Howard [Ages 1-5]
  5. Finally Heard by Kelly Yang [Ages 8-12]

2025 Market Trend Predictions 

As 2025 draws near, the children’s book industry will continue to see a growing focus on diversity, eco-friendly themes, interactive reading experiences, and mental health. If your story idea doesn’t quite touch on these trends, don’t worry. Let’s look at each prediction and consider how you can take advantage of these themes in your own unique way. 

1. Diverse Stories

Diverse stories can include cultural backgrounds, family structures, life experiences, and abilities. These stories often resonate with publishers, parents, teachers, and—most importantly—children, as they commonly weave in themes of empathy, acceptance, and kindness. 

Through diverse books, children can:

  • Discover the world beyond their own experiences
  • Learn to value others
  • Learn about the experiences of others
  • See themselves and feel a sense of belonging

Want to incorporate diversity into your book? As an author, you might draw from your own cultural background, speak on the difficulty of change, or incorporate diversity through your illustrations. Think about how your own lived experiences can help you create a story that children will connect with on a meaningful level. 

Examples of Diversity in Children’s Books 

Readers will learn about the daily realities of life in a Ghanaian village through the adventures of Beatrice and her friends. 

Rosila is the new kid in school—in a new country where she doesn't speak English! She might seem different to everyone else at first, but she discovers the beauty of embracing herself just as she is.

What happens when a new baby sibling doesn’t meet your expectations? A new sibling is a big life change, but Octavia and Ludovic build strong, loving bonds as they learn to accept their baby brother as part of the family. 

2. Eco-Friendly Themes

With environmental issues gaining more attention, eco-friendly books on nature and sustainability are expected to grow in popularity. If you feel passionate about the planet and want to inspire future generations to care for the earth, this could be a path worth exploring. Some eco-friendly themes may include the importance of recycling, caring for endangered animals, or teaching sustainable living practices. 

Through eco-friendly and nature themes, children can:

  • Learn to appreciate the natural world
  • Feel empowered to take care of the environment around them 
  • Understand the importance of animal protection 

Want to incorporate an eco-friendly theme in your book? Consider the unique ways you can take a lesson and have it still align with your storytelling style. For example, let’s say you want to inspire readers to care for the ocean. You could tell your story from a turtle's point of view as it swims through a sea of trash. Or, you could follow a child who organizes a beach clean-up in the community. Both stories share the same message but in different ways. 

Examples of Eco-Friendly Themes in Children’s Books 

This is a nonfiction book about bears and our role in keeping both them and humans safe.

A young boy learns about climate change and takes on the role of a superhero, determined to make a difference.

Set in the Vancouver rainforest, this story is told from the perspective of a tree who endures the pain of seeing a whole forest cut down. 

3. Interactive Books

Interactive books are picture books that require some type of participation or interaction from the reader. This might include asking the child to participate by saying a specific phrase or word, touching a textured part of the book, or pressing a button. They are designed to help with motor skills and sensory development, making reading a more dynamic experience—especially for hands-on learners. 

As technology continues to evolve, that includes shaping how interactive books become accessible. By creating a digital version of your book, you have the option to include animations, sound effects, and other touch-specific elements. 

Interactive books can help children:

  • Be more engaged and show more interest
  • Improve their vocabulary with audio 
  • Develop their sensory skills by exploring a book's interactive features

Examples of Interactive Children’s Books

Children love this book because it piques their curiosity about what will happen to the monster when they “push” the button. 

This book is about a frog who talks to the reader—who just happens to be “doodling” on his pages.

Ploof is a little cloud who feels shy. That is, until the reader makes funny faces, says hello, and “interacts” in some way with Ploof on each page. 

4. Mental Health Focus

Today, the topic of mental health is front and center. Just like grown-ups, children experience big emotions and experiences, but they often aren’t sure how to identify or navigate them. Picture books that offer comforting, reassuring messages around topics like anxiety, self-esteem, or friendship can be supportive of a child’s well-being and emotional development. 

Through mental health-focused books, children can:

  • Realize that caring for their mental well-being is a natural part of life
  • Learn to identify and manage their emotions
  • Feel encouraged to ask questions and reach out when they need support

Want to incorporate a focus on mental health in your book? Reflect on the unique perspective you could share—perhaps from personal experiences with self-worth or emotions like anxiety or sadness that children might struggle to understand. You have the opportunity to validate a child’s feelings. 

Examples of Children’s Books Focused on Mental Health and Emotional Development

Children will learn to celebrate who they are by embracing their individuality through this impactful rhyming book. 

Join Adelaide as she overcomes the one thing that has always held her back from being herself: shyness. 

This book is a fun, simple guide to help children practice mindfulness every day with easy mantras, breathing exercises, and gentle yoga poses. 

Know that these are simply the 2025 market trend predictions—not requirements for a successful book. Some stories have been bestsellers for decades (just think If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Where the Wild Things Are, and The Wonderful Things You Will Be). That’s the power of a good story. While it helps to know what readers are seeking, it’s just as important to believe in the unique story you have to share. You can fully embrace these trends or you can create something entirely on your own—just remember to always write from your authentic perspective. 

Want Expert Guidance for Publishing Your Children’s Book? 

Look no further than Publishing Mastermind. To guarantee you’ll make progress on your book, find a tribe of like-minded people, and earn the title of ‘children’s book author.’ then this is the program for you. To learn more about our next enrollment, click here

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