I CAN Believe in Myself
A delightful but powerful story that offers children lifelong lessons about believing in themselves, bolstering their self-esteem, and turning the words "I Can't" into "I Can!"
Molly has been chosen to be the next Star of the Day! Most kids would be excited. Molly, however, is terrified! She just can't speak in front of her class. She worries all day. She frets all night. "I can't . . . I can't," Molly convinces herself. Or can she?

I CAN Make a Difference
Alex cannot believe it! He and his classmates are going to be given ten dollars each! Finally, Alex can buy that brand new basketball he’s been wanting! But his fun gets fouled when he discovers that he must spend his gift to make a difference in someone else’s life. To make matters even worse, Alex loses his money! How is he ever going to make a difference now? I CAN Make a Difference is a book that shows children how they can make a difference for others by using their time, talents or treasures.

Maria just wants to be the same as everyone else. But, no! Coming from a different country, she looks different and eats different foods with different names, like “pupusas” (which Alex has fun pronouncing: “Poo-POO-sa”). Embarrassed, Maria withdraws from her friends and struggles to even focus on her big assignment which is due in one week! All she can focus on is how different she is from everyone else. Yet, as the story unfolds, Maria discovers that she and all her classmates ARE the same in one surprising way: they are all uniquely different!