Publishing Mastermind Partnership 

Why I decided to start publishing other people's books.

I have been writing and working as an author for over seven years now, and one of the things I love is when people ask to “pick my brain.” It is awesome to meet others with a story or message they want to share, and I want to help them avoid a lot of the mistakes I made in the beginning. 

When I first decided to publish I CAN Believe in Myself, there were really only two options available: land a publishing deal (traditional publishing), or publish myself (self-publishing). I was on a deadline and wanted to be fully involved in the process, so I decided to self-publish. 

Self- publishing cost me SO much money. I had no idea, going in! Of course, it was worth it. My first book became a best-selling award winner, including a Guinness World Record™ and so much success followed after that, but more than anything, I wish I would have had someone to guide me through the process. 

I would have paid anything to find a coach who had done it before and could help me avoid costly mistakes. 

Now, I have self-published three books and have a new book, The Big, Bad Bully, that I co-authored with Jack Canfield. It is being published through HCI Books!

While landing a traditional publishing deal is AMAZING in that now my books will be in stores  everywhere, it was extremely difficult to get. Even with a well known author as a partner, who once had seven New York Times Best-Sellers all at the same time, we had a hard time finding a publisher who would take the book on. 

That’s ridiculous! I mean, I know it is hard to break into the market, but, come on!

So, knowing what I know of the publishing options available, I keep asking myself “what is the best advice I could give to all these people, who ask me “how do I publish my book?” The truth is, there is so much I have learned that it would take forever to impart that knowledge. 

The answer? Offer a publishing option combined with the help I so desperately wanted when I was starting out! 

I present The Publishing Mastermind Partnership! Ta Dah! It’s a ten month mentorship where I help you go from having a story idea to a finished product. My company, Laundry Books, publishes your book within the year, and you get access to everything I have learned to help you along the way. I will take care of the editing and make sure your book looks amazing. You retain all the rights to your book, and all the profits, AND you join five other authors in a Mastermind Group for support. It’s everything I wanted when I was starting out. 

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