Have you ever sat in front of the blank page, scratched your head and thought, what's the best place to start writing? If so, rest assured. Countless writers are in the exact same boat.
Sometimes, as authors, we put pressure on ourselves to write a particular way. We hear Stephen King and J.K. Rowling talk about they started and suddenly think that if we don’t write like that, then we’re not real writers.
But that’s not true.
The Best Place to Start Writing
In reality, the best place to start writing is wherever you’re excited to write.
If you have the ending all mapped out, then start there.
Does he first sentence inspire you to keep moving? Go from there.
Is there a scene in the middle that you’re itching to put on paper? Do it!
Everyone writes differently and that’s okay. Even if your writing style seems confusing to others, you’re still a great writer.
Don’t give up on your dreams just because you’re doing it different from everyone else. At the end of the day, those who stand out from the crowd by being themselves are the happiest and most successful authors.
Your Next Step
If you’re a planner like me, I encourage you to download my Children’s Book Blueprint, the resource I use for ALL of my best-selling and award-winning titles. For me, this truly is the best place to start writing.
Interested in Writing a Children's Book?
But remember, if your process looks different from mine, that’s 100% okay. You’re still an amazing writer!