The Big, Bad Bully launches in one week 

It's exactly seven more days until my new book launches! I am so excited, busy, nervous, and calm all at the same time. I didn’t know it was possible, but apparently it is. 

This book has been a few years in the making and it all started when I hit on an amazing way of making my own daughter aware of how her thought life was directly related to her self-esteem. Pointing out her positive qualities and saying that she shouldn’t speak to herself in such a negative way just blew right past her, but showing her that she was bullying herself struck home. 

That's when I decided to write The Big, Bad Bully. The more I shared the concept of this book, the more feedback I got about people relating to it, whether children or adults. Here is what Ashley, Grade 8, said when I read the book to her class:

“I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. It was so meaningful and very true about hearing that voice and feeling like you have to listen to it. I also feel like I'm not the only (one) who hears that voice and listens to it. It was unique and different. I loved everything about this book.” — Ashley, Grade 8

The Big, Bad Bully is a bully story with a twist. It follows a young girl who struggles with being put down by a bully for many years, but then she decides to stand up to her tormentor. The twist happens when she confronts the bully, she is looking in a mirror and realizes it's herself. The book includes self-esteem building exercises as well, making it a perfect conversation starter for mental health.

Kids in grades 3-8 will get the most out of it.

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