The Power of Community 

Everyone knows there’s strength in numbers, but have you ever heard the whole quote? Because I think it perfectly captures the power of community, and I know a strong community can help you achieve your goals and make lifelong friends along the way.

The Power of Community

According to Richelle E. Goodrich, there’s more to the power of community than just strength.

“There is strength in numbers, yes, but even more so in collective good will. For those endeavours are supported by mighty forces unseen.” — Richelle E. Goodrick

I love this quote because it reminds us that communities can be incredibly powerful, but even better is if your community shares a common goal. As a writer, maybe your goal is to publish your book, increase your readership, or build a network of other writers and authors.

I have the privilege of seeing this type of community with every Publishing Mastermind, but I’ve also experienced it in my own life.

How I Get Involved in Community

If you know me well, you know that I’m a goal addict. I love setting goals and working hard to accomplish them. I even shared my goal-setting strategy in THIS blog. 

I set lots of goals because I love learning and growing. When I’m not growing, I feel like I’m settling for less and not realizing my potential. One of my number one ways to keep growing is by joining mastermind groups.

One of my go-to groups is Chris Harder’s mastermind. He’s been a mentor of mine for years now, and I’ve learned so much from him and the community he facilitates. This year, I set a HUGE goal courtesy of the power of community.

How Community Inspired Me to Commit to My Goals

For a long time now, I’ve been a part of online communities. As much as I love connecting with everyone online, I find that LIVE events are even more impactful.

One night, during one of Chris’s masterminds, some of the other masterminders shared their experience with LIVE events. They explained that in-person events are where you get to see the power of community really shine. 

In-person events give communities the opportunity to finally meet face to face, encourage each other even more, and make lifelong friendships by creating memories.

At first it sounded too good to be true, but when my fellow masterminders invited me to attend their events for free and see what the excitement was all about, I saw that everything they said was true.

As I connected with them in person, they inspired me even more. Actually, they inspired me to pursue a goal I’ve been putting off for years.

I can’t spill all the beans just yet, but this year I’ll be launching my most anticipated group EVER.

So what does this mean for you?

How to Find Your Community

It means that, if you don’t already have a group of likeminded people who are working towards a common goal (like writing for children), there’s no time to waste. The power of community will spur you forward and keep you motivated to achieve your goals.

Who can help you get started, navigate your biggest questions, and celebrate your success?

Here are the communities I run that are the perfect fit for anyone who wants to write for children:

You CAN accomplish your goals. You CAN achieve success. You CAN find the community for you.

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