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Writer's Craft
Your Time to Write
Write your first children’s book draft in less than 90 minutes.
Can you relate to any of these?

You want to write for children...
BUT can never seem to find the time to actually put your ideas down.

You have a great idea for a book...
BUT you’re not sure how to put the story together properly.

Writing for children has been a longtime dream...
BUT you just can’t seem to get started.
By the end of this workshop you will have...
What people are saying about Miriam’s workshops…
"Engaging... Fun... Good speaker. Kept my attention."
"The thought of a child reading my book brings tears to my eyes."
"I finally understand show, not tell."
What exactly IS this Writer’s Craft Workshop?

“Your Time to Write” is exactly that. It’s a LIVE 90-minute virtual workshop where you can finally sit down and get started writing for children.
This is YOUR time to get your thoughts down on paper and develop your writing skill.
You’ll join other writers who also want to impact children with their books, and be guided by Miriam Laundry, a professional children’s book author & publisher.
You’ll also receive invitations to any future Writer’s Craft Workshops Miriam hosts at no extra charge.
Here’s How Your 90 Minutes Will Be Broken Down:
Bonus: Writer’s Craft Workbook

Instant access to the complimentary workbook so you can complete your first draft during the LIVE workshop.
When are the workshops?
Miriam hosts these Writer’s Craft Workshops LIVE each month. Upon purchasing, you will receive an invitation to the next LIVE workshop and all subsequent workshops at no additional cost.
In other words, you get access to all future Writer’s Craft Workshops for only $97.
Get Started

One plane ride changed everything.
When I wrote the first draft of my debut children’s book, I was on a plane. I was on my way home from a self-development seminar in the USA when I was struck with inspiration. Immediately, I started writing.
If I’m being honest, I don’t know if I ever would’ve written my children’s book if I hadn’t done it then and there, sitting in economy with two strangers by my sides.
Because I had four children and a mountain of responsibilities waiting for me at home. I can see now that, if I had never written my manuscript on that plane, I might never have found the time to do it.
If you want to inspire children with your book, you need to start somewhere. For me, it was on a plane. For you, it might be on the bus or in a coffee shop or in this workshop.
No matter where you start, I want you not only to write your story but to craft a first draft you’re proud of. I want you to experience the rush of writing your first manuscript. I want you to shout it from the rooftops:
“I am a writer!”
Who knows, maybe this workshop will be your plane ride. It only takes one book to change everything.
Your legacy starts now.
I look forward to meeting you personally in “Your Time to Write!” the Writer’s Workshop for Children’s Books.

Writer's Craft