What’s An Accountability Partner? 

If there’s a change you want to make, but feel unequipped to do it on your own, the best thing to do is find an Accountability Partner.

I’ve had accountability partners ever since 2012, and without them I would be nowhere close to where I am now.

When I first began writing I knew I had to create my Facebook Author Page, but I kept telling myself “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

Really, I was nervous about announcing my plans to write a children’s book. But, guess what? When I tried to put it on the back-burner, my accountability partner refused to let me off the hook! Now, I have the support of a great Facebook community behind me.

I had to follow through, and I am so happy I did. That’s how I knew I had the right person backing me up: they gave me that extra little push of motivation to stay true to my commitments.

What's an Accountability Partner?

They're someone who reminds you of your goals with the intention of encouraging you to succeed.

You should connect with them either daily or weekly to remind you of your short-term goals. You can also meet monthly or quarterly to discuss your long-term goals/update them on your progress.

Typically, when you choose an accountability partner, they also need to choose you. Accountability is a two-way street, so you should be reminding and connecting with them too.

Where can I find one?

I’ve found most of my accountability partners through online courses or masterminds. Finding someone who is working towards a similar goal as yourself is your best bet.

You can also join a Facebook Group related to your topic of interest. Facebook groups are a great place to connect with people who are pursuing goals similar to your own. 

If one of your goals is to write a children's book, join my Children's Book Writers Community. Your ideal accountability partner might be waiting for you.

Who can help you get started, navigate your biggest questions, and celebrate your success?

My advice is to avoid asking family members or close friends to keep you accountable since you’re more likely to let your goals slip away and less likely to take the process seriously.

Tips to Keep in Mind

  • Find an accountability partner if you work from home. It’s especially important!
  • Take the partnership seriously. Resist the urge to mark your goals as “Incomplete” (This should only happen when something unexpected occurs)
  • Move on to a new partner when things start feeling stale. It’s important for you and your accountability partner to remain enthusiastic about each other’s success
  • Keep your checklists/reminders. Then you can see how much progress you’ve made by the end of the year. (You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much you got done!)

Accountability Partners: Always Remember This

The main reason these partnerships work is because we’re very hesitant to let other people down. Unfortunately, we’re very willing to let ourselves down — we make excuses for ourselves and say “I’ll do it tomorrow”. But when someone else expects something from us, we want to deliver.

Knowing that you’ll be reporting to someone else is a great way to build motivation.

Find your accountability partner TODAY.

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