Writing for Children – Is it worth it? 

One of the really great things about getting to talk to educators and parents in my line of work is when someone shares their AWESOME book idea with me.

I get to meet these amazing people who work so hard for children (whether at home or in a classroom) and they all have inspiring messages. There can be a lot of different things that hold us back from putting in the effort to do things like write a book, so for those of you thinking of writing for children, here is why it's SO rewarding.

Learning. You get to be part of a child’s development. Kids love interactive components, so if you share your story publicly or in schools you can make it as creative and engaging as you want. When I did school visits, I loved seeing the children’s faces during an activity in one of my presentations, or seeing the “ah ha” moment when they get it. If you are a parent or teacher, you know how rewarding it can be to see children learn and grow.

Impact. If your book has a message, the hope is that it will make an impact in the lives of children and encourage them. When I wrote my first book, I CAN Believe in Myself, I got to see so many children set goals for themselves and decide to go for them. Kids were sending me videos of them doing handstands, cartwheels, riding bikes — you name it! I could see that my book was impacting them. 

Honesty. Children will tell you right away what they like or dislike. We sometimes see this portrayed in funny home videos where a kid is being maybe too honest, haha. This is actually a huge advantage when writing a book. It helps with the editing process! You can be certain the feedback you are getting is 100% truthful. This is invaluable when producing a high quality product.

Making a Difference. When I write for children, I'm helping the future generation build a positive mindset. That means I am making a difference in this world and in our future. The reason I started writing for children is that I love having a positive mindset, but I wished I would have learned it earlier in life. I knew that children needed to hear the I CAN message.

I got to see all these things when I visited schools to share my books. If you write a book for children you may or may not share your work the same way, but I can tell you this, Author Visits are one of my favourite things about being an author. Why? Because it is so rewarding.

Interested in Writing a Children's Book?

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