Self-publishing has become an accessible and rewarding way for writers to inspire readers. However, making money off a self-published book isn't as easy as hitting "publish" and waiting for the cash to roll in. It requires dedication, creativity, and a well-thought-out strategy. In this blog, we'll explore three key strategies to help you make money off a picture book and empower your readers.
How to Guarantee You’ll Make Money Off a Picture Book
Market Every Day
The importance of marketing your self-published book cannot be stressed enough. Marketing is not a one-time effort but a continuous process that requires persistence and adaptability. Here are some tips for daily book marketing so you can make money off a picture book:
Social Media Engagement
Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest to connect with potential readers. Share snippets, updates, and engaging content related to your book. Interact with your audience and build a community around your work.
Email Marketing
Build an email list of your readers (or their parents, for young readers) and send regular newsletters with book updates, exclusive content, and special offers. Email marketing can be a powerful tool to keep your audience engaged and informed.
Create a blog on your author website and regularly post content related to your book's themes or your writing process.
Book Events
Attend or host book events that will bring authors, readers, and readers’ parents together. Sell your book at these events and create network of dedicated fans.
Interested in Writing a Children's Book?

Try New Ideas
In the competitive world of self-publishing, it's crucial to stay innovative and open to new ideas, especially if your goal is to make money off a picture book. Here are some strategies to help you do that.
Create Diverse Content
Experiment with different content formats, such as podcasts, YouTube videos, social media posts, blogs, and more. These formats can help you tap into new audiences and spread the word about your book.
Collaborate with Other Authors
Partner with other children’s book authors to gain exposure to their followers and combine your marketing efforts. Not only will you get new ideas for your marketing strategy, but you’ll build up your network too.
Run Contests
Run seasonal contests to incentivize readers to buy your book. You can also use contests/giveaways to grow your social media following.
Gather Reviews
Encourage readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads. Positive reviews can boost your book's credibility and visibility, leading to more sales.
Interested in Writing a Children's Book?

Visit Schools
Visiting schools can be an exceptionally rewarding way to inspire readers while you make money off a picture book. Here's how you can make the most of this strategy:
Author Presentations
Contact local schools and offer to conduct author presentations. Share your story, your writing journey, and engage students with readings and discussions related to your book's themes.
Do the first few for free. Once you get into a rhythm and feel more comfortable, you can start charging or require that schools buy a quantity of books for you to visit.
Book Donations
Consider donating copies of your book to school libraries or classrooms. This not only helps you reach potential readers but also supports education and literacy.
Engage with Educators
Build relationships with teachers, librarians, and school administrators who can help you introduce your book to their students and colleagues.
To make money off a picture book, you should know that it is a challenging but achievable goal if you commit to daily marketing efforts, embrace new ideas, and explore opportunities like school visits. Remember that success in self-publishing takes time, patience, and persistence. By using these strategies, you'll be on the path to greater visibility and, ultimately, more sales for your self-published book.